

第11回 モルック日本大会in秋田 追加エントリー募集のお知らせ Announcement of additional registration slots for the 11th Mölkky Japan Tournament in Akita



●エントリー期間:2024年10月12日(土)10:00 ~ 10月19日(土)23:59まで(日本時間)




  • 参加費の支払いが完了したチームからの先着順となり、募集チーム数に達し次第、締め切ります。
  • 申し込み完了後に申込内容の確認ができないので、登録したメンバーの情報は忘れないように控えておいてください。
  • エントリーの際に必要な情報は、「チーム名」「チーム名のふりがな」「チーム代表者の氏名(本名)、性別、年代、住所、電話番号、メールアドレス」「チーム代表者以外の全チームメンバーの氏名(本名)、性別、年代」となります。他のチームと二重登録とならないよう、チームメンバーに確認のうえ登録ください。なお、チーム名は全角15文字(半角30文字相当)以内とし、特殊文字(記号やマーク、ウムラウトなど)は使用しないでください。特殊文字を使用された場合、日本モルック協会から送信されるメールや大会で使用される対戦表などにおいて、文字化けが起こる可能性がございます。
  • 18歳未満の方のみで参加されるチームにつきましては、「保護者の氏名(本名)」「電話番号」の情報もエントリーの際に必要となります。




  • お支払い方法は、クレジットカード、コンビニ決済よりお選びいただけます。なお、入金確認ができた時点でエントリー完了となりますので、予めご了承ください。
  • エントリーの受付及び参加費のお支払いにつきましては、LivePocket-Ticket-を使用いたします。LivePocket-Ticket-を通じたエントリーシステム手数料は参加費に含まれます。支払い手数料が別途かかる場合があります。
  • 参加費には、当日のスポーツ傷害保険費用が含まれます。
  • 大会が中止の場合は、大会準備費用等を差し引いた上で部分的に返金いたします。
  • 参加費をいったんお支払いいただいた以降は、参加者都合による辞退の場合は返金致しかねますことをご了承ください。
  • これらの点に同意いただける方のみ、お申し込みください。お申し込みされた方は、同意されたものとみなします。

本大会に関するお問い合わせ先 (日本モルック協会大会係)まで、メールにてお問い合わせください。

We are grateful for the large number of entries received for the 11th Mölkky Japan Tournament in Akita, scheduled for November 9-10, 2024. Due to the high demand, we have decided to expand the number of general entries and accept a few additional applications. If you are interested in participating, please read the details and notes in the following link before registration.

General Entry (Additional)
Entry qualifications: None
Entry period: Saturday, October 12, 2024, 10:00 – Saturday, October 19, 2024, 23:59 (Japan time)
Method: Entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis (sales will end as soon as the tickets are sold out)

Number of slots: Few
Please read the following precautions carefully before applying.

●Notes on Registration
JMA player registration is NOT required for this tournament.
*Pre-registration with LivePocket-Tickets is required. (Free of charge)
Entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis from teams that have completed payment of the entry fee, and will be closed when the number of slots are full.
Please take notes of the information of your team, such as team name and members, as you will not be able to confirm the details of your application after the registration is completed.

The following information is required for entry: “Team name,” “Pronunciation of team name,” “Name (no nicknames), gender, age, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the team leader,” and “Name (no nicknames), gender, and age of all team members. Please confirm with your team members before registration to avoid double registration. The team name must not exceed 15 double-byte characters (equivalent to 30 single-byte characters), and special characters (symbols, marks, umlauts, etc.) must not be used. If special characters are used, there is a possibility that they will be garbled in e-mails sent by JMA and in the match list used in the tournament.

For teams with only players under the age of 18, “parent’s name” and “phone number” information is also required for entry.
1. Please note that entries will be cancelled if payment is not received by the due date for those who have chosen to pay at a convenience store.
2. Only one entry per team is allowed.
3. No duplicate member can be registered for another team.
4. After the entry is completed, the participation slot cannot be transferred to another team.
Entries may be cancelled if the above precautions are not followed or if the entry is deemed to be fraudulent.

●Notes on the Participation Fee
Payment can be made by credit card or at a convenience store. Please note that entry will be completed AFTER confirmation of payment.
Entry and payment of the entry fee will be made via LivePocket-Ticket, and the entry system fee via LivePocket-Ticket will be included in the entry fee. Payment fees may be charged separately.
The participation fee includes the cost of sports accident insurance for the day of the event.
If the event is cancelled, a partial refund will be made after deducting the event preparation fee and other expenses.
Please note that once the participation fee has been paid, no refunds will be made if the team withdraws for personal reasons.
Please register only if you agree to these terms. 
We will assume that you have agreed to the terms and conditions of this agreement.

For inquiries regarding this tournament, please contact
(Japan Mölkky Association Tournament Section).