

「第2回モルックアジア大会 in Japan」につきまして Concerning cancel/postponement of the Tournament


3/20(土)~21(日)に等々力で開催を予定しておりました「第2回モルックアジア大会in Japan」につきましては、新型コロナウィルスの影響に伴う緊急事態宣言を受け、5/22(土)~23(日)に延期いたしました。


野津田公園ホームページ https://www.nozuta-park.com/












大会運営に当たり、新型コロナウィルス対策として、会場における検温やアルコール消毒液の準備のほか、検温(体調管理)アプリ「Metell(ミテル)」を導入し、参加者全員に2週 間前からの検温を実施いただきます。詳細 は後日チーム代表者の方にメールにてご案 内いたしますが、事前にスマート フォ ンに ダウンロードしておいていただけますと登録がスムーズに進められますので、ご協力ください。


「Metell(ミテル)」 https://metell.jp/



5/22(土)~23(日)への延期に伴い、出場キャ ンセルチームが発生し、そのチーム数分 の追加募集を行いました。その結果 、最終 的な出場チーム(192チーム)は以下の一覧のとおりとなっております。各チームに振られている「チーム番号 」は、上記、検温(体調管理)アプリ「Metell(ミテル)」の登録時に必要になりますので、参加者の方は必ずご確認ください。「参加チーム一覧」参加者の皆様のご理解・ご協力を、よろしくお願いいたします。



【Concerning cancel/postponement of the Tournament】
The 2nd Asia Mölkky Tournament initially planned on March 20-21 was postponed to May22-23, due to the emergency lockdown due to Covid19. However, another emergency lockdown has been declared in 4 prefectures(Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo) during April 25 – May 11. The venue for the Asia Tournament resides in Tokyo, so the venue is not available during this period.
At this point, we are planning to hold the Asia Tournament since the emergency lockdown is due to end on May 11th. However, due to the circumstance, we have decided the below conditions of cancelling/postponing the Tournament.
・If the emergency lockdown in Tokyo is extended to May 22-23, we will cancel/postpone the Tournament immediately.
・If the “Covid19 strict measure plan” with prefectural border control is announced in Tokyo during May 22-23, we will cancel/postpone the Tournament immediately.
・If the venue is not available even if there is no emergency lockdown nor “Covid19 strict measure plan” announced during May 22-23. The final decision will be on May 15, but we will announce earlier ifgovernment/prefectural declarations point to cancel/postponement of the Tournament.
We will have to cancel/postpone the Tournament if government/prefectural declarations are issued after May 15.
If there are players who come from areas where the emergency lockdown or “Covid19 strict measure plan” with prefectural border control is issued, we regret to say that we ask players to cancel the Tournament. If this results in the team dissolution, we will pay back
the Tournament entry fee according to the initial Tournament cancel policy.
Moreover, we will cancel/postponed if the following occurs;When an emergency weather alert is announced.
When an earthquake happens that causes damage to the venue.
When the venue has the possibility of flooding or collapsing.
When an event occurs and the venue will be used as an evacuation destination.
If an event occurs where players can not arrive due to transportation emergency.
If an event occurs where the organizers can not arrive and management is not possible.
【Infection control measures】
For this Tournament, we have prepared alcohol antiseptics and automatic thermometers.
Also, we ask all players to link to the “Metell” app and fill in your temperature starting 2
weeks before the Tournament. Further description will be sent to each team leaders.
The final playing teams are as follows;