


去る2022年4月4日の夕刻、福岡に来られていたフィンランド大使館のペッカ・オルパナ大使とキンモ・オユヴァ商務部代表より、当協会代表理事・理事の2名を招待いただき、博多にある都ホテル福岡のRestaurant Somewhereにて約2時間にわたり4人で、モルックを通した日本-フィンランド両国間の振興や、日本におけるモルックのあり方、モルック世界大会の日本開催などについて貴重な意見交換をさせていただきました。



On April 4th, the Finnish Ambassador Mr.Pekka Orpana and  the Head of Trade Section of the Finnish Embassy Mr. Kimmo Ojuva gifted us the chance to have a talk on Mölkky matters over a fabulous dinner at the Fukuoka Miyako Hotel Restaurant “Somewhere”.  The Representative Director and Director of Japan Mölkky Association was invited, and the 4 had a 2-hour long talk on the development of Finland-Japan relationship, the concept of Mölkky in Japan, and our wish to host the Mölkky World Championships in Japan.

Mr.Orpana kindly inivited us to a Mölkky match in Tokyo in the near future, and we look forward to it.

Our mission as Japan Mölkky Association is to promote Mölkky, and to strengthen the ties between Finland and Japan and through Mölkky. We sincerely hope that promoting Mölkky will encourage the interaction between the two countries.